
For more than 10 years, we have been organizing the "Internationale Meisterkurse Sachrang"
for oboe, harp (central), horn and singing.
Students from all over the world report - often in large numbers and at a high level! We have financed these master classes through the concert activities of my wife and myself,
in which all the money we received received the courses, since we did not take any chances.
There have always been private donations that have supported and encouraged us. For 2 years there is now the "MUSIKFORUM SACHRANG EV" - the association,
which now carries our activities. Because of its charitable status,
it has become easier to receive donations and donations - but this has only been done on a
purely private level: there is no public or institutional support. A number of costs are a burden on the execution of the master's courses:

Scholarships to those in need of the courses which we grant on a limited basis
Fees for piano accompanists and other instrumentalists who participate
during the courses or at the final concerts.
Advertising for master classes
on the Internet or through advertisements
Piano tuning, respectively. - transports
Administration of the participants

ideas We want to expand the master classes with several prominent musicians In the field of "chamber music", I have been doing wind music seminars with young musicians,
with a corresponding final concert with the works I have developed.
These two last courses were inexpensive because I renounced fees as lecturers,
so the young musicians did not have to pay (but did not receive anything) and we were able to
accommodate them all with us and dear helpers in the village free of charge and have taken care of our house. I would like to offer such seminars more often - which of course can not run cost-neutrally.
Regarding the willingness of the participants to pay a seminar fee,
we are in fairly sharp competition with other offers of this kind, which are often very cost-effective for the participants. We want to accompany our courses with other offers, such as yoga, mental training, discussions about the future
in your musician career, improvisational training, offers in the field of jazz etc.
A small part of this is already offered on a small flame. visions It would certainly be a nice idea to create an "International Sachranger Music Competition",
where the prizes should be student foundations, which is a substantial aid to the respective music studies.
Creative collaboration with young composers who would be commissioned to write works for our master classes
and concerts, which are to be developed and premiered as part of our activities.
Lectures from the world of music for general education. And last but not least our dream: to have a
"house of youth" one day, in which seminar rooms and concert hall can be combined into Sachrang,
the heritage of the Müllner Peter can be intensively filled with lots of music throughout the year Youthful musicians.

Courses and Seminars 2025

Meisterkurs Harfe

margitschellenberger klein

Margit-Anna Süß

Meisterkurs Horn

hinterholzer klein

Johannes Hinterholzer

Meisterkurs Oboe
hansjoergschellenberger kleinRamon
Hansjörg Schellenberger
Ramon Ortega Quero

Meisterkurs Gesang


 Juliane Banse