Greetings for the year 2025

Dear friends and concert goers! "Querela pacis" - "Lament for Peace": that's how we titled our year-end concert on December 29th, 2024.

In these aggressive times, this urgent desire of humanity should be constantly brought to the attention of the people listening through our music. “Never again war” was the

sentence that hung over everything in my generation born shortly after World War II. With our work as teaching and performing musicians, we want to continually revive these

words and constantly renew them with the peace-making power of music in order to work against forgetting and, in particular, these concerns for the young people who come 

to Sachrang from all parts of the world and to make thoughts conscious.

In 2025 we will again be offering the master classes for singing, harp, horn and oboe for talented young musicians that have been established for more than 20 years. Together with my wife Margit-Anna Süß, harpist, we have the horn player Johannes Hinterholzer with us again and, with great joy, the famous singer and singing teacher Juliane Banse for the second time. This collaboration produced very beautiful results last year, which could be admired again and again in the final concerts of the respective master classes - and should continue to be!

Our Sachranger concerts - which you can find on the flyer - are based on traditional events, such as the end of the year concert or the Advent preparation for Christmas. In the hope of nice weather, we are planning outdoor events, for example in front of the Ölberg Chapel in Sachrang. All of these concerts are intended to document the collaboration "side by side" between experienced and young aspiring musicians. There are still some plans open - but as a small preview: there will be another concert with the 8 horns around Maximilian Schellenberger.

2025 is the anniversary year of Hohenaschau Castle: 150 years ago, the Cramer-Klett family acquired the castle and through their work it has become very important for Aschau. In 2024 we founded the ensemble "La Banda Vecchia", which held its inauguration concert in Sachrang with the year-end concert on December 29th, 2024.

This is a wind quintet with soloists from the Berlin Philharmonic, the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra and the Vienna Philharmonic who are already retired and is therefore, so to speak, the counterpart to the young musicians who are supported and performing in the field. With this “La Banda Vecchia” there will be an anniversary concert in the Preysingsaal of Hohenaschau Castle.

Finally, I would not like to miss to thank our active and hard-working volunteers around the Höpfner couple (as leading forces) for their achievements: without them, the activities of our music forum could not take place. My thanks also go to the people who support our work through generous donations and make wonderful concerts possible.

It is with great pleasure that we welcome you, dear audience, dear friends of MUSIKFORUMS SACHRANG EV, to our events and are grateful for any kind of support for our work. Stay with us!


Courses and Seminars 2025

Meisterkurs Harfe

margitschellenberger klein

Margit-Anna Süß

Meisterkurs Horn

hinterholzer klein

Johannes Hinterholzer

Meisterkurs Oboe
hansjoergschellenberger kleinRamon
Hansjörg Schellenberger
Ramon Ortega Quero

Meisterkurs Gesang


 Juliane Banse